We enjoyed sushi and football, then I said goodbyes, and headed west on 34 out of loveland. The route was recommended to me by all who could speak, so I had to take Trail Ridge Road. I have to say, it was likely the most beautiful road I have ever ridden upon. Thinking about all the people I've met on this journey, and looking at pure beauty. When I checked into my Hotel in Silverthorne, Colorado, I saw the sun shining kind of upward through the clouds, and I was lucky enough to capture it on camera. Thank you again to my friends in Loveland.
On a side note - at the hotel, where they post all of the "I really enjoyed my stay here" letters from past guests, down at the bottom, all by itself, was a quote "Life, at it's best, is not devoid of pain and sorrow. It is however, filled with peace and joy." I asked the manager, Steve King (whom I promised not to tease about his name) where it came from. He put it there. I thanked him. I always love it when the exact thing we need, simply appears before us.
There is far more going on in this world than meets the eye.