Well, I warmed up, had a good night's sleep, and headed past St Louis, to Eureka, Missouri. My friend, Ron Hartle, who I worked for at Samsung in Ledgewood, NJ, lives here now, right on the Meramec River, with his wife Dianne. The river is almost at flood stage, and my friend was making preparations to move his goodies to higher ground. His house is on 40 foot stilts about 30 feet from the water, normally, but the water is now at the footings of his house about 18 feet higher than normal. The current is passing at about 10 miles an hour (very fast) and we saw a refrigerator floating by. Obviously someone upriver did not have a chance to move their goodies to higher ground.
The picture is Ron, and his two dogs, Bud, and Rocco, in front of my bike, which was under the house, as it is elevated. In the background is the Meramec River.