Enjoyed the hotel in Oakland, with my own very private, balcony.I then intentionally left the 'fast lane' and went southwest to Monterey, and took the scenic Route 1 (PCH) south. This road is challenging, in the sense that you must be alert for many tight 20 mph curves, mixed in with swooping curves you can take at 70. This means you are getting a workout, because everytime you brake, then accelerate, etc, you are kind of doing a little pushup. And sometimes, when you've underestimated your braking needs, and suddenly you must compensate, qiuckly and hard, it is more than a real pushup!
The scenery was stunning, vast, and profound. It is one of those desolate, beautiful places, that spark magic in our imagination as we stop briefly to photograph it from our car. But - to be here without shelter, and weather it, would be true hardship. At sunset, I began to think I might perhaps get stuck in this dark and empty place, without having found a room, food, or gas. But, as the lord has done for more than 17500 days, I was provided for again, as I saw some wonderfully bright Sunoco, Quality Inn, and Comfort Inn signs appearing over the horizon. I checked into a Quality Inn, about 1 mile north of San Simeon Beach State Park, in California. Went and had some dinner, and as I was leaving the restaurant - All of the lights went out. I mean everything. You are already in the middle of nowhere, on the coast, so there is no ambient light coming from anywhere, so it was a dark, dark night in San Simeon. The blessing was that I ended up taking a walk on the beach, at night, around rocks the size of large homes, and the roaring surf. And San Simeon was kind of misty and magical, in the darkness, and all alone, with small drops falling, but not real rain. One dramatic difference between New Jersey and California: You can drive to northern California, and select, what is in essence, your own personal chunk of beach, a quarter mile wide. And you can do this in many locations. That does not happen in New Jersey. I returned to my room, still in darkness, and was pleased to find that the little magnetic, credit card room keys, still work during a blackout, since the door mechanism contains batteries. Used my laptop screen as enough light to get undressed, and prepare for bed. It is strange to have this blackout today, it has been three months, to the day, that the world lost an angel.
The scenery was stunning, vast, and profound. It is one of those desolate, beautiful places, that spark magic in our imagination as we stop briefly to photograph it from our car. But - to be here without shelter, and weather it, would be true hardship. At sunset, I began to think I might perhaps get stuck in this dark and empty place, without having found a room, food, or gas. But, as the lord has done for more than 17500 days, I was provided for again, as I saw some wonderfully bright Sunoco, Quality Inn, and Comfort Inn signs appearing over the horizon. I checked into a Quality Inn, about 1 mile north of San Simeon Beach State Park, in California. Went and had some dinner, and as I was leaving the restaurant - All of the lights went out. I mean everything. You are already in the middle of nowhere, on the coast, so there is no ambient light coming from anywhere, so it was a dark, dark night in San Simeon. The blessing was that I ended up taking a walk on the beach, at night, around rocks the size of large homes, and the roaring surf. And San Simeon was kind of misty and magical, in the darkness, and all alone, with small drops falling, but not real rain. One dramatic difference between New Jersey and California: You can drive to northern California, and select, what is in essence, your own personal chunk of beach, a quarter mile wide. And you can do this in many locations. That does not happen in New Jersey. I returned to my room, still in darkness, and was pleased to find that the little magnetic, credit card room keys, still work during a blackout, since the door mechanism contains batteries. Used my laptop screen as enough light to get undressed, and prepare for bed. It is strange to have this blackout today, it has been three months, to the day, that the world lost an angel.
In the photos, you will see what looks like a cloud on the left, that is smoke, which is why I saw several helicopters coming in over the ocean to pick up more water to drop on the fire.