Still here in Cortez. Went to see Mesa Verde (spanish for green table) National Park, which is set around Pueblo cliff dwellings about 20 miles east of Cortez. This is a place that is very hard to describe, as it is an illustration of human ingenuity and fortitude. The cliff dwellings were built under massive sandstone cliffs, which provide a natural roof, and protection from the elements. Being built into cliffs, near the top of a canyon, they are difficult to get to, which made them easier to defend, as access routes are few, narrow, and steep. They are about 900 years old. On that note - while in Cortez, I see a lot of Native Americans (I'll not say Indians, lest I confuse you folks from Mumbai) and I am acutely aware that the land I am standing on, belonged to them (in European terms, as Native Americans did not believe a person could 'own' the land).